Drama Class: Coaching for Reactivity
CourseDrama Class is a self-led online course designed to support you and your dog as you work through their reactivity needs and behaviors.
Worldbuilding: Puppy Foundation Behaviors
CourseWorldbuilding is a self-led course designed for introducing engagement, confidence, and optimal socialization for puppies between 8 and 20 weeks at the start of the course.
Starting Zone: Loose Leash Walking
CourseThe Starting Zone series focuses on foundational manners behaviors centered on a specific goal. For loose leash walking, we will focus on engagement in motion, troubleshooting tough moments during a walk, and how to set your outings up for success!
Starting Zone: Coming When Called
CourseThe Starting Zone series focuses on foundational manners behaviors centered on a specific goal. For coming when called, we will focus on immediate solutions for dogs for this life saving skill, as well as improving habits for the future.
Pre-order available now!
Starting Zone: Patio Manners
CourseThe Starting Zone series focuses on foundational manners behaviors centered on a specific goal. For patio manners, we will focus on building an off switch for calm moments at home and out and about, as well as dealing with exciting distractions!
Pre-order available now!
Starting Zone: Self Regulation and Control
CourseThe Starting Zone series focuses on foundational manners behaviors centered on a specific goal. For self control, we will build coping skills for excitement, as well as tools to gauge what your dog is capable of handling in the moment.